Friday, October 15, 2010

Welcome to my Food Flogging Blog and Roast Beetroot Dip

I've finaly done it... I started a blog complete with my shitty formating and consistancy...

To start with I want to share a recipe: Roast Beetroot Dip that I recently made this for My wife Cristie’s 30th birthday BBQ along with a series of other things that I whacked up over a few nights in my standard late night cooking frenzy.. I don’t know how much I will be able to pull these midnight mania missions off once I’m a Dad in a few months.. but if it is food I’d say kismet and Cristie won’t mind more food..
4 Medium beetroot (typicly sold as a bunch)
4-5 bits of garlic
150g yoghurt
2 tbs fresh lemon juice
1 tsp ground cumin
1-2 tsp coriander seeds
1/3 tsp fennel seed
A fair bit of salt and a crack of ground pepper
Splash I think it was about 2 tbs of olive oil

  • Preheat oven @ 180°C.
  • Trim beetroot to have about an inch of stalk left..
  • Bake beetroot and the garlic for about 40 minutes or until tender. Cool for a while.. Until not hot..
    Separate tray or stainless bowl Roast Coriander and fennel seed until coriander browns..
  • Grind roast spices with a bit of salt and the cumin. I used a pestle in the little stainless bowl but if you don’t have a mortar and pestle I’d try crushing with the side of a knife on a chopping board.
  • Squeeze the beetroot out of skin and chop remaining bit of stalk off. Peel the garlic if you didn’t already
  • Put everything so far and the yoghurt and lemon juice into a food processor. Process until fairly smooth.
  • Taste and add some olive oil and keep processing until not tasting of dirt flavour that beetroot is famous for.. You may need to add some salt and pepper too..
  • Cover and refrigerate
  • Serve once chilled
I think this one gets better with time as it tastes great a day or two later… or that could be I had a case of having high expectations just after cooking something at 11pm….